Tales from the attic: Learning an American story

Sam Smith - In August 1960 I wrote in a letter: Have been covering  some of the anti-segregation demonstrations around the Washington area. The results here have been hopeful. Good police work has kept violence to a minimum although the presence of neo-Nazi Lincoln Rockwell and his "troopers" doesn't make the situation any simpler. Quite … Continue reading Tales from the attic: Learning an American story

The strangest thing about our ethnic relations

 Sam Smith – The strangest thing about ethnic relations in this country is the lack of organizations and movements pushing not only anti-racism, but also helping our different cultures actually like and get along with each other. Imagine if the major standard for marriage was just opposition to anti-feminism, righteous as that is. Or if … Continue reading The strangest thing about our ethnic relations

Multiculturalism means living with folks who aren’t as smart about you as you are

Sam Smith - As the virtuous drive towards more multiculturalism grows increasingly powerful,a predictable but largely ignored problem raises its head, namely the more contact we have with those of other cultures the greater chance that we, or they, will say or do something found dumb or offensive.  The cancel culture is one example of … Continue reading Multiculturalism means living with folks who aren’t as smart about you as you are